Julkaisut 2020

Julkaisut 2020


Eeva Ekqvist: Kuntoutujien hyvinvoinnin ja toivon kokemukset sekä näkemykset tulevaisuudesta laitospäihdekuntoutuksen aikana. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto. http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-03-1821-5 (artikkeliväitöskirja)

Iina Savolainen: Addiction by Identification: A social psychological perspective on youth addictive behaviors. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto. http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-03-1718-8 (artikkeliväitöskirja)

Vertaisarvioidut alkuperäisartikkelit kansainvälisissä tiedejulkaisuissa

Benkherouf A, Logrén N, Somborac T, Kortesniemi M, Soini S, Yang B, Salo-Ahen O, Laaksonen O, Uusi-Oukari M: Hops compounds modulatory effects and 6-prenylnaringenin dual mode of action on GABAA receptors. European Journal of Pharmacology 873, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejphar.2020.172962

Benkherouf A, Eerola K, Soini SL, Uusi-Oukari M: Humulone Modulation of GABAA Receptors and Its Role in Hops Sleep-Promoting Activity. Front. Neurosci., 14 October 2020 https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2020.594708

Berg N, Virtanen P, Bean C, Lintonen T, Nummi T, Hammarström A: The Relevance of Macroeconomic Conditions on Concurrent and Subsequent Alcohol Use – Results from two Northern Swedish Cohorts. Addiction Research and Theory, https://doi.org/10.1080/16066359.2019.1708903

Berret S, Marionneau V: Les jeux de hasard et d’argent, un impôt régressif? Les effets des inégalités sociales et des intérêts économiques sur le jeu problématique en France. Sciences du jeu 13(2020), mis en ligne le 09 novembre 2020, DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/sdj.2497

de Miguel E, Vekovisceheva O, Elsilä LV, Panhelainen A, Kankuri E, Aitta-aho T, Korpi ER: Conditioned aversion and neuroplasticity induced by a superagonist of extrasynaptic GABAA receptors: correlation with activation of the oval BNST neurons and CRF mechanisms. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 12, 130. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnmol.2019.00130

Egerer M, Hellman M: Clarifying researchers’ subjectivity in qualitative addiction research. International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research. Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): 81-87. https://doi.org/10.7895/ijadr.261

Ekqvist E, Kuusisto K: Changes in client’s well-being (ORS) and state hope (SHS) during inpatient substance abuse treatment. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, https://doi.org/10.1177/1455072520922025

Elsilä L, Korhonen N, Hyytiä P, Korpi E: Acute Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Does Not Influence Reward-Driven Decision Making of C57BL/6 Mice in the Iowa Gambling Task. Frontiers in Pharmacology 03 December 2020. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2020.602770

Haaranen M, Schäfer A, Järvi V, Hyytiä P: Chemogenetic Stimulation and Silencing of the Insula, Amygdala, Nucleus Accumbens, and Their Connections Differentially Modulate Alcohol Drinking in Rats. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 14, [580849]. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnbeh.2020.580849

Haaranen M, Scuppa G, Tambalo S, Järvi V, Bertozzi SM, Armirotti A,…, Hyytiä P: Anterior insula stimulation suppresses appetitive behavior while inducing forebrain activation in alcohol-preferring rats. Translational Psychiatry, 10(1), 1-11. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41398-020-0833-7

Harviainen JT, Haasio A, Hämäläinen L: Drug traders on a local dark web marketplace. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Academic Mindtrek (AcademicMindtrek ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 20–26. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3377290.3377293

Heikkinen N, Kärkkäinen O, Laukkanen E, Kekkonen V, Kaarre O, Kivimäki P, et al. Changes in the serum metabolite profile correlate with decreased brain gray matter volume in moderate-to-heavy drinking young adults. Alcohol. 75:89–97. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.alcohol.2018.05.010

Heiskanen MK, Matilainen R, Baby boomers as gamblers: Recognizing and preventing gambling harm with intersectional approach, Public Health, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2020.04.020

Hietanen S, Herajärvi J, Junttila J, Pakanen L, Huikuri H, Liisanantti J: Characteristics of subjects with alcoholic cardiomyopathy and sudden cardiac death. Heart 106:686-690. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/heartjnl-2019-315534

Hietanen S, Herajärvi J, Lahtinen S, Käkelä R, Ala-Kokko T, Liisanantti J: Utilization of health care resources, long-term survival and causes of death after intensive care unit admission in relation to high-risk alcohol consumption. Journal of Substance Use. https://doi.org/10.1080/14659891.2020.1838636

Hietanen S, Kaakinen T, Ala-Kokko T, Herajärvi J, Auvinen J, Niittyvuopio M, Liisanantti J: Alcohol consumption is associated with a later need for ICU admission: a Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966-study. Journal of Public Health 2020 Jun 22;fdaa085. https://doi.org/10.1093/pubmed/fdaa085

Kaakinen M, Oksanen A, Sirola A, Savolainen I, Garcia D: Emotions in Online Gambling Communities: A Multilevel Sentiment Analysis. In: G. Meiselwitz G. (Ed.) Social Computing and Social Media. Design, Ethics, User Behavior, and Social Network Analysis. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12194, pp. 542–550. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-49570-1_38

Kaakinen M, Sirola A, Savolainen I, Oksanen A: Shared Identity and Shared Information in Social Media: Development and Validation of the Identity Bubble Reinforcement Scale. Media Psychology, 23(1), 23–51. https://doi.org/10.1080/15213269.2018.1544910

Kahila H, Marjonen H, Auvinen P, Avela K, Riikonen R, Kaminen-Ahola N: 18q12.3-q21.1 microdeletion detected in the prenatally alcohol-exposed dizygotic twin with discordant fetal alcohol syndrome phenotype. Mol Genet Genomic Med. 8(4):e1192. https://doi.org/10.1002/mgg3.1192

Kainulainen T: Does Losing on a Previous Betting Day Predict How Long it Takes to Return to the Next Session of Online Horse Race Betting? Journal of Gambling Studies, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10899-020-09974-x

Kaminen-Ahola N. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms. Prenat Diagn. 40:1185–1192. https://doi.org/10.1002/pd.5731

Kuusisto K, Lintonen T: Factors predicting satisfaction in outpatient substance abuse treatment: a prospective follow-up study. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 15, 35. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13011-020-00275-5

Kärkkäinen O, Klåvus A, Voutilainen A, Virtanen J, Lehtonen M, Auriola S, Kauhanen J, Rysä J: Changes in circulating metabolome precede alcohol-related diseases in middle-aged men: a prospective population-based study with a 30-year follow-up.  Alcoholism-clinical and experimental research, 44 (12): 2457-2467. https://doi.org/10.1111/acer.14485

Lahtinen S, Hietanen S, Herajärvi J, Käkelä R, Ala-Kokko T, Liisanantti J: Use of health care resources in relation to harmful alcohol use prior to intensive care unit admission. Journal of Substance Use. https://doi.org/10.1080/14659891.2020.1838634

Lainiola M, Linden AM, Aitta-aho T: Behavioral responses of mGluR3-KO mice to the lipopolysaccharide-induced innate inflammatory reaction. Pharmacology Biochemistry Behavior. 190:172852. Epub 2020 Jan 15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pbb.2020.172852

Lehikoinen AI, Kärkkäinen OK, Lehtonen MAS, Auriola SOK, Hanhineva KJ, Heinonen ST. Alcohol and substance use are associated with altered metabolome in the first trimester serum samples of pregnant mothers. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 223:79–84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejogrb.2018.02.004

Lindbohm JV, Sipilä PN, Mars NJ, Pentti J, Ahmadi-Abhari S, Brunner EJ, Shipley MJ, Singh-Manoux A, Tabak AG, Kivimäki M: 5-year versus risk-category-specific screening intervals for cardiovascular disease prevention: a cohort study. Lancet Public Health 4(4):e189-e199. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2468-2667(19)30023-4

Lintonen T, Ahtinen S, Konu A: Alcoholic beverage preferences among teenagers in Finland before and after the 2018 Alcohol law change. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, first published online: April 6, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1177/1455072520910547

Lintonen T, Uusitalo L, Erkkola M, Rahkonen O, Saarijärvi H, Fogelholm M, Nevalainen J: Grocery purchase data in the study of alcohol use – A validity study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Vol 214, 1 September 2020, 108145, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.108145

Macey J, Kinnunen J: The convergence of play: interrelations of social casino gaming, gambling, and digital gaming in Finland. International Gambling Studies, https://doi.org/10.1080/14459795.2020.1770834

Macey J, Abarbanel B, Hamari J: What predicts esports betting? A study on consumption of video games, esports, gambling and demographic factors. New Media & Society. https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444820908510

Macey J, Hamari J: GamCog: A measurement instrument for miscognitions related to gamblification, gambling, and video gaming. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 34(1), 242 –256. https://doi.org/10.1037/adb0000526

Oksanen A, Miller BL, Savolainen I, Sirola A, Demant J, Kaakinen M, Zych I: Illicit Drug Purchases via Social Media Among American Young People. In G. Meiselwitz (Ed.), Social Computing and Social Media: Design, Ethics, User Behavior, and Social Network Analysis. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12194, pp. 278–288. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-49570-1_19

Pallarés V, Dudek M, Moreno A, Pérez-Ramírez Ú, Moratal D, Haaranen M,…, Hyytiä P: Neuroimaging reveals functionally distinct neuronal networks associated with high-level alcohol consumption in two genetic rat models. Behavioural Pharmacology. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32925226/

Pitkänen T, Kaskela T, Levola J: Mortality of treatment-seeking men and women with alcohol, opioid or other substance use disorders – A register-based follow-up study. Addictive Behaviors 105, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2020.106330

Rautiainen E, Ryynänen O-P, Laatikainen T & Kekolahti P: Factors Associated with 5-Year Costs of Care among a Cohort of Alcohol Use Disorder Patients: A Bayesian Network Model. Healthcare Informatics Research 2020;26(2):129-145. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4258/hir.2020.26.2.129

Saastamoinen J, Suhonen N: Does betting experience matter in sequential risk taking in horse race wagering?  Economics and Business Letters, 7(4), 137-143. https://doi.org/10.17811/ebl.7.4.2018.137-143

Savolainen I, Kaakinen M, Sirola A, Koivula A, Hagfors H, Zych I, Paek HJ, Oksanen A: Online Relationships and Social Media Interaction in Youth Problem Gambling: A Four-Country Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(21)8133. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17218133

Silén Y, Sipilä PN, Raevuori A, Mustelin L, Marttunen M, Kaprio J, Keski-Rahkonen A: DSM-5 eating disorders among adolescents and young adults in Finland: A public health concern. International Journal of Eating Disorders 2020 May;53(5):520-531. https://doi.org/10.1002/eat.23236

Sirola A, Savela N, Savolainen I, Kaakinen M, Oksanen A: The Role of Virtual Communities in Gambling and Gaming Behaviors: A Systematic Review. J Gambl Stud (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10899-020-09946-1

Tigerstedt C, Mäkelä P, Karlsson R, Härkönen J, Lintonen T, Warpenius K: Change and continuity in Finnish drinking in the 2000s. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 29 September 2020, https://doi.org/10.1177/1455072520954324

Tuomela J, Kaprio J, Sipilä PN, Silventoinen K, Wang X, Ollikainen M, Piirtola M: Accuracy of self-reported anthropometric measures – Findings from the Finnish Twin Study. Obesity Research and Clinical Practice 13(6):522-528. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orcp.2019.10.006

Voutilainen T, Kärkkäinen O: Changes in the human metabolome associated with alcohol use: a review. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 54, 225-234. https://doi.org/10.1093/alcalc/agz030

Vertaisarvioidut alkuperäisartikkelit kansallisissa tiedejulkaisuissa

Ekqvist E, Kuusisto K: Aikuissosiaalityön asiakkaiden tulevaisuuteen suhtautuminen ja toiveet. Janus Sosiaalipolitiikan Ja sosiaalityön Tutkimuksen Aikakauslehti, 28(1), 42-59. https://doi.org/10.30668/janus.69882

Hynninen E, Moliner R, Ekelund J, Korpi E, Elsilä L: Psykedeelien kliiniset mahdollisuudet ja biologiset mekanismit. Duodecim, 136(13):1531-9. https://www.duodecimlehti.fi/duo15480

Kuusisto K, Ranta J: Psykososiaalisen päihdetyön asema Suomessa 1900-luvulta nykypäivään. In Moilanen J, Annola J, Satka M (eds.): Sosiaalityön käänteet. Jyväskylä: SoPhi, 112-140.

Latvala T, Konu A, Lintonen T: Rahapelaaminen kansanterveydellisenä huolenaiheena – rahapelirikollisuuden arvioidut kustannukset yhteiskunnalle. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 85(5-6): 507-518. http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi-fe2020112593248

Pätsi S, Lintonen T, Niemelä S, Karjalainen K: Lääkkeiden väärinkäyttö suomalaisessa aikuisväestössä. Suomen lääkärilehti 75(4):188-210.

Muut julkaisut

Abarbanel B, Macey J, Hamari J, Melton RRC: Gamers Who Gamble: Examining the Relationship Between Esports Spectatorship and Event Wagering. Journal of Emerging Sport Studies Volume 3, (2020). https://emergingsportstudies.ca/

Deterding CS, Karlsen F, Macey J, Mortensen TE, Wardle H, Zendle D: The Convergence of Gaming and Gambling Research : What Can We Learn from Each Other? Proceedings of the 2020 DiGRA International Conference. http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/156462/

Ekqvist, Eeva & Kuusisto, Katja (2020) Hyvinvointi ja toiveikkuus paranevat laitospäihdekuntoutuksen aikana. PopNAD 7.8.2020 https://nordicwelfare.org/popnad/fi/artiklar/hyvinvointi-ja-toiveikkuus-paranevat-laitospaihdekuntoutuksen-aikana/

Kauppila E, Katainen A: Alkoholimainonta sosiaalisessa mediassa muuttui hitaasti lakiuudistuksesta huolimatta. Alkofin verkkojulkaisu https://www.alko.fi/alko-oy/yritys/alkoholitutkimukset/some-mainonta

Lintonen T: Alkoholilain uudistus 2018 lisäsi limuviinojen suosiota myös alaikäisillä. PopNAD 27.5.2020 https://nordicwelfare.org/popnad/fi/artiklar/alkoholilain-uudistus-2018-lisasi-limuviinojen-suosiota-myos-alaikaisilla/

Lintonen T: Alaikäisten juomisen väheneminen pysähtynyt. Alkofin verkkojulkaisu https://www.alko.fi/alko-oy/yritys/alkoholitutkimukset/alaikaisten-juominen

Putkonen H, Parhi K: Lääkärit ja puoli vuosisataa suomalaista huumausainepolitiikkaa. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 84 (5-6): 635-639. http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi-fe2019112744439

Simpura J: Alkoholitutkimussäätiö 70 vuotta – historiakatsaus. Alkoholitutkimussäätiö, Helsinki. ISBN 978-952-7418-00-0. Saatavissa www.alkoholitutkimussaatio.fi/historiakatsaus

Sjöholm M, Hassan L, Macey J, Törhönen M, Hamari J: Liking the Game: How Can Spectating Motivations Influence Social Media Usage at Live Esports Events? SMSociety ’18: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Social Media and Society: 160-167. https://doi.org/10.1145/3217804.3217908

Sulkunen P, Babor T, Cisneros Örnberg J, Egerer M, Hellman M, Livingstone C, Marionneau V, Nikkinen J, Orford J, Room R, Rossow I: Setting Limits – Gambling, Science and Public Policy. Addiction (book review). https://doi.org/10.1111/add.15241